How Do Your Products Compare To Other Pain Relieving Products?

How Do Your Products Compare To Other Pain Relieving Products?

We have found that many pain relieving products are aimed at providing a local analgesic effect to reduce the sensation of pain, thereby masking the pain. Our products contain Chinese herbs that kill pain, but painkilling herbs are not mere analgesics that mask pain.

Chinese herbs have been used for centuries and are known to have medicinal properties because they contain natural energetic substances that subtly yet powerfully correct underlying deficiencies and remove obstructions in the injured area. The Chinese herbs used in our products specifically work to break up stasis, or stagnant blood and fluids, and increase circulation to the injured area.

Stasis is what causes swelling, inflammation, hematoma, and the discoloration of bruises. Stasis can prevent your body from healing fully and slows down the healing process. The herbal properties work to eliminate this so the body can reabsorb the fluids and healing can take place. The increased circulation aids in this process and brings vital oxygen and nutrients to the injured area so it can repair and heal.